Fandom Developers Wiki

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You are free to install this script/stylesheet for yourself, but it is not allowed to be used wiki-wide (e.g., in MediaWiki:ImportJS, MediaWiki:Common.js, MediaWiki:Common.css, MediaWiki:Fandomdesktop.js, MediaWiki:Fandomdesktop.css, or MediaWiki:FandomMobile.css), as it would violate Fandom's Terms of Use.
(See the customization policy)

BalancedGlobalNavigation improves the look of global nav and search modal on UCX. Now they perfectly match each wiki theme and take its colors.


  • The color of the global navigation is the same as that of your wiki pages.
  • The color of the global navigation icons is the same as that of your wiki dropdowns.
  • The color of the global navigation texts and links is the same as that of your wiki texts and links.
  • Global navigation dropdows and notifications also use wiki theme: links, hover, background and text.
  • Global navigation icons have no border.
  • Global navigation hovers (icons, notifs, lists) look like TOC ones.
  • Fandom Logo now isn't so bright.
  • The color of the footer and search modal is the same as that of your wiki page. Footer also has opacity with blur, so it match both wiki body and wiki page.


See also

Text above can be found here (edit)