Fandom Developers Wiki

This script adds a number of links to the block list. For IP's they are a Proxy Check, Blacklist check, and a WHOIS. For each user the block list links are shifted to the first table cell and are shorter. They also include a abuse log for the user.



You can configure this script through the window.blockListTools object. A list of available parameters are listed below.

Name Effect
showAbuseLog Shows the abuse log links in the block list tools.
window.blockListTools = {
    showAbuseLog: true

Using configuration options with Fandom Developers Wiki scripts

The instructions on this page describe how to use configuration options with a script. Here on the Fandom Developers Wiki, many scripts provide optional configuration settings as a mean to alter or enhance the default behavior of the script. When installing configuration options in your JavaScript file, please note that they need to go above the import statement in order to work — unless the directions say otherwise. In case MediaWiki:ImportJS is used to load the scripts, it will be executed last.

Configuration options load too late, don't work
// 1. AjaxRC import statement
    type: 'script',
    articles: [

// 2. AjaxRC configuration option
window.ajaxRefresh = 30000;
Proper placement of configuration options
// 1. AjaxRC configuration option
window.ajaxRefresh = 30000;

// 2. AjaxRC import statement
    type: 'script',
    articles: [


Date Version Description
September 4, 2020 V0.1 Initial release.
Text above can be found here (edit)