Fandom Developers Wiki

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(See the customization policy)

CategorizedNotifications is a userscript that re-organizes notifications into different user-defined categories.



An array of objects that determine what categories exist and what notifications belong in each category. Each object should contain these keys:
  • icon (see this page for a list of possible values)
  • title Shown when hovering over the tab icon
  • types Array of category type strings to determine which notifications belong in this category (see below for possible values)

Possible notification types

This list is incomplete. If you find a notification type that is not here, please add it.
  • announcement - Received when a wiki makes an announcement
  • message-wall-post - Received when someone posts to your message wall
  • message-wall-reply - Received when someone replies to a message wall thread you are following
  • talk-page-message - Received when someone edits your talk page
  • article-comment-reply - Received when someone replies to a comment you are following
  • article-comment-at-mention - Received when someone mentions you in a comment
  • article-comment-reply-at-mention - Received when someone mentions you in a comment reply
  • discussion-reply - Received when someone replies to a discussion thread you are following
  • discussion-upvote-post - Received when someone upvotes your discussions post or reply
  • post-at-mention - Received when you are mentioned in a discussions reply
  • thread-at-mention - Received when you are mentioned in a discussions thread
  • discussion-report - Received when there is a discussions report on a wiki you moderate
  • thanks-created - Received when someone thanks your edit
  • marketing-notification - Marketing notifications from Fandom
  • gamepedia-notification - Matches any notifications that came from a Gamepedia wiki
  • DEFAULT - Matches any notifications that do not have a specified category already
Text above can be found here (edit)