Fandom Developers Wiki

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You are free to install this script/stylesheet for yourself, but it is not allowed to be used wiki-wide (e.g., in MediaWiki:ImportJS, MediaWiki:Common.js, MediaWiki:Common.css, MediaWiki:Fandomdesktop.js or MediaWiki:Fandomdesktop.css), as it would violate Fandom's Terms of Use.
(See the customization policy)

FanFeedEnhancements adds enhancements and improvements to the style of the Fan Feed.


This stylesheet includes the following features:

  • Scrolling: The Fan Feed's height has reduced, and more cards can be viewed by scrolling in the Fan Feed. It also uses the MinimalScrollbar snippet, to make the Fan Feed look more modern.
  • Card Improvements: The corners of the cards are more rounded, the cards are no longer surrounded by a border and there is a brighter contrast when hovering on them.



Date Description
October 28, 2017 Initial release
November 10, 2017 Add a dark theme for the "More on...", Latest Discussions and Explore Wikis modules.
December 8, 2017 Used MinimalScrollbar for the Fan Feed only.
September 2, 2018 Combined into one stylesheet. Also, dark modules now only apply on dark themed wikis.

See also

Text above can be found here (edit)