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_metadata | order | "input-page-title" |
"create-page-button-text" |
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"go-to-form" |
"text-placeholder" |
en | input-page-title | "Enter name of the page" |
create-page-button-text | "Next" |
go-to-page-button-text | "Go to article" |
go-to-form | "Go to form" |
text-placeholder | "New article title" |
qqq | input-page-title | "A label text to enter the page title." |
create-page-button-text | "A button to create the page." |
go-to-page-button-text | "A link text to go to the page." |
go-to-form | "A link text to go to the form." |
text-placeholder | "A placeholder text to enter page title." |
ar | input-page-title | "أدخل اسم الصفحة" |
create-page-button-text | "التالي" |
go-to-page-button-text | "انتقل إلى المقال" |
go-to-form | "اذهب إلى النموذج" |
text-placeholder | "New article title" |
de | input-page-title | "Seitennamen eingeben" |
create-page-button-text | "Weiter" |
go-to-page-button-text | "Gehe zum Artikel" |
go-to-form | "Gehe zum Formular" |
text-placeholder | "Title vom neuen Artikel" |
es | input-page-title | "Introduzca el nombre de la página" |
create-page-button-text | "Siguiente" |
go-to-page-button-text | "Ir al artículo" |
go-to-form | "Ir al formulario" |
text-placeholder | "Nuevo título" |
fr | input-page-title | "Entrez le nom de la page" |
create-page-button-text | "Suivant" |
go-to-page-button-text | "Aller à l'article" |
go-to-form | "Aller au formulaire" |
text-placeholder | "Nouveau titre de l'article" |
hi | input-page-title | "पृष्ठ का नाम दर्ज करें" |
create-page-button-text | "अगला" |
go-to-page-button-text | "लेख पर जाएँ" |
go-to-form | "फ़ॉर्म पर जाएँ" |
text-placeholder | "नए लेख का शीर्षक" |
pt-br | input-page-title | "Digite o nome da página" |
create-page-button-text | "Criar página" |
go-to-page-button-text | "Ir para o artigo" |
go-to-form | "Ir para o formulário" |
text-placeholder | "Novo título do artigo" |
ru | input-page-title | "Введите название страницы" |
create-page-button-text | "Далее" |
go-to-page-button-text | "Перейти к статье" |
go-to-form | "Перейти к форме" |
text-placeholder | "название новой статьи" |
tr | input-page-title | "Sayfanın adını girin" |
create-page-button-text | "Sonraki" |
go-to-page-button-text | "Maddeye git" |
go-to-form | "Forma git" |
text-placeholder | "Yeni madde başlığı" |
uk | input-page-title | "Введіть назву статті" |
create-page-button-text | "Наступний" |
go-to-page-button-text | "Перейти на сторінку" |
go-to-form | "Перейти до форми" |
text-placeholder | "Нова назва сторінки" |
vi | input-page-title | "Nhập tên trang" |
create-page-button-text | "Tiếp theo" |
go-to-page-button-text | "Đi tới trang" |
go-to-form | "Đi tới biểu mẫu" |
text-placeholder | "Tựa đề trang mới" |