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 * MassEdit/code.js
 * @file Adds/deletes/replaces content from pages/categories/namespaces
 * @author Eizen <>
 * @external "mediawiki.util"
 * @external "jQuery"
 * @external "wikia.ui.factory"
 * @external "wikia.window"
 * @external "I18n-js"
 * @external "mw"

/*jslint browser, this:true */
/*global mw, jQuery, window, require, wk, ui */

require(["jquery", "mw", "wikia.window", "wikia.ui.factory"],
        function (jQuery, mw, wk, ui) {
    "use strict";

    if (jQuery("#massEdit-li").exists() || window.isMassEditLoaded) {
    window.isMassEditLoaded = true;

    if (! || ! {
            type: "script",
            article: "u:dev:MediaWiki:I18n-js/code.js"
    var $i18n;

     * @class MassEdit
     * @classdesc The central MassEdit class
    var MassEdit = {
        meta: {
            author: "User:Eizen",
            created: "05/02/17",
            lastEdit: "24/05/18",
            version: "2.4.1"
        hasRights: /(sysop|content-moderator|bot|bot-global|staff|vstf|helper|global-discussions-moderator|content-volunteer)/
            .test(wk.wgUserGroups.join(" ")),
        legalChars: new RegExp("^[" + wk.wgLegalTitleChars + "]*$"),

         * @method addLogEntry
         * @description Method allows for quick adding of a MassEdit log entry
         *              to the appropriate text field.
         * @param {String} $key - The name of the JSON field
         * @returns {void}
        addLogEntry: function ($key) {
            jQuery("#massEdit-log").prepend($i18n.msg($key).plain() + "<br/>");

         * @method addLogEntry
         * @description "Overloaded" two-parameter variation of the method above
         *              that accepts a JSON key and an entry substitute for $1
         *              or $2.
         * @param {String} $key - The name of the JSON field
         * @param {String} $entry - Name of the page to substitute
         * @returns {void}
        addLogEntry: function ($key, $entry) {
                $i18n.msg($key).plain().replace("$1", $entry) + "<br />");

         * @method constructItem
         * @description Method returns a completed <code>String</code>
         *              representing the menu link item. Is comprised of a
         *              link inside a list item.
         * @param {String} $text - Text to be displayed in the item and title
         * @returns {String}
        constructItem: function ($text) {
            return mw.html.element("li", {
                "class": "overflow",
                "id": "massEdit-li"
            }, new mw.html.Raw(
                mw.html.element("a", {
                    "id": "massEdit-a",
                    "href": "#",
                    "title": $text
                }, $text)

         * @method isLegalPage
         * @description Utility function used to test if inputted page name
         *              matches the legal characters regex. Returns a boolean
         *              flag depending on result.
         * @param {String} $page - Inputted page name
         * @returns {boolean}
        isLegalPage: function ($page) {
            if (!this.legalChars.test($page)) {
                return false;
            } else {
                return true;

         * @method displayModal
         * @description Method constructs and displays the main user interface.
         *              Injects custom CSS prior to construction and handles all
         *              button click events.
         * @param {String} $modalHTML - The modal HTML layout
         * @returns {void}
        displayModal: function ($modalHTML) {
            var that = this;

                ".massEdit-menu," +
                ".massEdit-textbox {" +
                    "width: 100%;" +
                    "padding: 0;" +
                "}" +
                ".massEdit-textarea {" +
                    "height: 50px;" +
                    "width: 100%;" +
                    "padding: 0;" +
                    "overflow: auto;" +
                "}" +
                "#massEdit-log {" +
                    "height: 55px;" +
                    "width: 100%;" +
                    "border: 1px solid;" +
                    "font-family: monospace;" +
                    "background: #fff;" +
                    "color: #aeaeae;" +
                    "overflow: auto;" +
                    "padding:0;" +

            ui.init(["modal"]).then(function (modal) {
                var config = {
                    vars: {
                        id: "massEdit-modal",
                        size: "medium",
                        title: $i18n.msg("itemTitle").plain(),
                        content: $modalHTML,
                        buttons: [{
                            vars: {
                                value: $i18n.msg("buttonCancel").plain(),
                                classes: ["normal", "primary"],
                                data: [{
                                    key: "event",
                                    value: "cancel"
                        }, {
                            vars: {
                                value: $i18n.msg("buttonClear").plain(),
                                classes: ["normal", "primary"],
                                data: [{
                                    key: "event",
                                    value: "clear"
                        }, {
                            vars: {
                                value: $i18n.msg("buttonSubmit").plain(),
                                classes: ["normal", "primary"],
                                data: [{
                                    key: "event",
                                    value: "submit"

                modal.createComponent(config, function (massEditModal) {
                    massEditModal.bind("cancel", function () {

                    massEditModal.bind("clear", function () {

                     massEditModal.bind("submit", function () {


            // Disable replacements menu depending on current selected option
            jQuery(document).on("change", "#massEdit-actionType", function () {
                if (jQuery("#massEdit-actionType").val() === "replace") {
                        .prop("disabled", false);
                } else {
                        .prop("disabled", true);

         * @method getContent
         * @description This method retrieves the content of the inputted page,
         *              including information about its time of creation and
         *              relevant timestamp info. Used exclusively by the find
         *              and dropdown option.
         * @param {String} $action - Editing action (prepend, append, replace)
         * @param {String} $editSummary - Edit summary
         * @param {String} $page - The page in question
         * @param {String} $newContent - New text to replace the target
         * @param {String} $replace - The target to be replaced in the callback
         * @param {function} callback - The callback handler
        getContent: function ($action, $editSummary, $page, $newContent,
                $replace, callback) {

            var that = this;
                action: "query",
                prop: "info|revisions",
                intoken: "edit",
                titles: $page,
                rvprop: "content|timestamp",
                rvlimit: "1",
                indexpageids: "true",
                format : "json"
            }).done(function ($data) {
                if (!$data.error) {
                    callback(           // handleContent()
                        that,           // this
                        $action,        // "replace"
                        $editSummary,   // "#massEdit-summary-value"
                        $data,          // $data
                        $page,          // $pagesArray[$counter]
                        $newContent,    // "#massEdit-content-value"
                        $replace        // "#massEdit-replaceThis-value"

         * @method handleContent
         * @description Callback function for <code>getContent</code>. Sifts
         *              through included data and passes relevant bits to the
         *              <code>editPage</code> method. Used exclusively by the
         *              find and replace dropdown option.
         * @param {this} that - Scope variable
         * @param {String} $action - Editing action (prepend, append, replace)
         * @param {String} $editSummary - Edit summary
         * @param {JSON} $data - Passed data from <code>getContent</code>
         * @param {String} $page - Specific page in question
         * @param {String} $newContent - New text to replace the target
         * @param {String} $replaceThis - Text to be replaced by $newContent
         * @returns {void}
        handleContent: function (that, $action, $editSummary, $data, $page,
                $newContent, $replaceThis) {

            // Check if page actually exists
            if (Object.keys($data.query.pages)[0] === "-1") {
                that.addLogEntry("noSuchPage", $page);

            var $newText;
            var $result = $data.query.pages[Object.keys($data.query.pages)[0]];
            var $text = $result.revisions[0]["*"];
            var $timestamp = $result.revisions[0].timestamp;
            var $starttimestamp = $result.starttimestamp;
            var $token = $result.edittoken;

            // Replace all instances of chosen text with inputted new text
            $newText = $text.split($replaceThis).join($newContent);

            // Check if old & new revisions are identical in content
            if ($newText === $text) {
                        .replace("$1", $replaceThis)
                        .replace("$2", $page) +
                    "<br />"
            } else {
                that.editPage(that, $page, $newText, $action, $editSummary,
                    $timestamp, $starttimestamp, $token);

         * @method editPage
         * @description The one-size-fits-all editing handler for use by all
         *              three main MassEdit functions. Takes several different
         *              numbers of input parameters depending on the action to
         *              be taken by the handler.
         * @param {this} that - Scope variable
         * @param {String} $page - The page to be edited
         * @param {String} $content - The content to be added to the page
         * @param {String} $action - Editing action (prepend, append, replace)
         * @param {String} $editSummary - Edit summary
         * @param {String} $timestamp - Optional, for replace option only
         * @param {String} $starttimestamp - Optional, for replace option only
         * @param {String} $token - Optional, for replace option only
         * @returns {void}
        editPage: function (that, $page, $content, $action, $editSummary,
                $timestamp, $starttimestamp, $token) {

            // Default base properties
            var $params = {
                action: "edit",
                minor: true,
                bot: true,
                title: $page,
                summary: $editSummary

            // Set additional Object properties depending on action to be taken
            switch ($action) {
            case "prepend":
                $params.prependtext = $content;
                $params.token = mw.user.tokens.get("editToken");
            case "append":
                $params.appendtext = $content;
                $params.token = mw.user.tokens.get("editToken");
            case "replace":
                $params.text = $content;
                $params.basetimestamp = $timestamp;
                $params.startimestamp = $starttimestamp;
                $params.token = $token;

  $params).done(function ($data) {
                if (!$data.error) {
                    that.addLogEntry("editSuccess", $page);
                } else {
                    that.addLogEntry("editFailure", $page);

         * @method getNamespaceMembers
         * @description As the name implies, this method returns the results of
         *              a request for an inputted namespace's associated page
         *              contents.
         * @param {String} $namespace - Number of the namespace in question
         * @return {JSON}
        getNamespaceMembers: function ($namespace) {
            return jQuery.ajax({
                type: "GET",
                url: mw.util.wikiScript("api"),
                data: {
                    action: "query",
                    list: "allpages",
                    aplimit: "max",
                    apnamespace: $namespace,
                    format: "json"

         * @method getCategoryMembers
         * @description As the name implies, this method returns the results of
         *              a request for an inputted category's associated page
         *              contents.
         * @param {String} $category - Name of the category in question
         * @return {JSON}
        getCategoryMembers: function ($category) {
            return jQuery.ajax({
                type: "GET",
                url: mw.util.wikiScript("api"),
                data: {
                    action: "query",
                    list: "categorymembers",
                    cmtitle: $category,
                    cmprop: "title",
                    cmdir: "desc",
                    cmlimit: "max",
                    format: "json"

         * @method membersHandler
         * @description This method, inspired by Java-style reflection, is a
         *              general purpose handler for use by both namespace and
         *              category bulk editing. The method accepts either the
         *              <tt>getCategoryMembers</tt> or
         *              <tt>getNamespaceMembers<tt> methods as the requests of
         *              choice, running basically the same process with the
         *              results of each once all calls have been completed.
         *              <br />
         *              <br />
         *              Basically, once the calls have been made, the method
         *              assembles all the pages from the request results and
         *              pushes them into an array for processing by the
         *              <tt>actionHandler</tt> method.
         * @param {String[]} $inputArray
         * @param {String} $newContent
         * @param {String} $toReplace
         * @param {int} $actionIndex
         * @param {String} $action
         * @param {String} $editSummary
         * @param {function} getMembers
         * @param {String} $queryProperty
         * @returns {void}
        membersHandler: function ($inputArray, $newContent, $toReplace,
                $actionIndex, $action, $editSummary, getMembers,
                $queryProperty) {

            var that = this;
            var $members;
            var $requests;
            var $arguments;
            var $defer;
            var $data;

            $members = [];
            $requests = [];
            $arguments = [];

            $inputArray.forEach(function ($member) {
                if (
                    $queryProperty === "categorymembers" &&
                ) {
                    $member = "Category:" + $member;

                if (
                    ( // If is category-based and member is legal
                        $queryProperty === "categorymembers" &&
                    ) ||
                    ( // If is namespace-based and member is integer
                        $queryProperty === "allpages" &&
                        $member.match(/^[0-9]+$/) !== null
                ) {

            if (
                !$members.length ||
                !$requests.length ||
                $members.length !== $requests.length
            ) {

            $inputArray = [];
            $defer = jQuery.when.apply(jQuery, $requests);

            $defer.done(function () {
                if ($requests.length === 1) {
                } else {
                    $arguments =;

                jQuery.each($arguments, function ($index, $results) {
                    if ($results[1] === "success") {
                        $data = $results[0].query[$queryProperty];

                        if ($data === undefined || $data.length === 0) {
                            that.addLogEntry("noSuchPage", $members[$index]);

                        $data.forEach(function ($page) {

                if ($inputArray.length) {
                    that.actionHandler($inputArray, $newContent, $toReplace,
                        $actionIndex, $action, $editSummary);

         * @method actionHandler
         * @description This function invokes methods based on user's desired
         *              action. If the user is not in the proper user rights
         *              group, access is denied. If no action is selected, the
         *              user is prompted to select an action.
         *              <tt>setInterval</tt> is employed to ensure that the
         *              script does not make too many consecutive content GETs
         *              or edit POSTs; replaces <tt>forEach</tt>
         *              implementation.
         *              <br />
         *              <br />
         *              Addition of global pages-based find-and-replace option
         *              replaces old find-and-delete option, and now checks for
         *              cases of empty pages or empty target text.
         * @param {String[]} $inputArray
         * @param {String} $newContent
         * @param {String} $toReplace
         * @param {int} $actionIndex
         * @param {String} $action
         * @param {String} $editSummary
         * @returns {void}
        actionHandler: function ($inputArray, $newContent, $toReplace,
                $actionIndex, $action, $editSummary) {

            var that = this;
            var $counter = 0;
            var $editInterval;

            switch ($actionIndex) {
            case 0: // No action selected
            case 1:
            case 2: // Edit methods (prepend and append)

                $editInterval = setInterval(function () {
                    if (that.isLegalPage($inputArray[$counter])) {
                        that.editPage(that, $inputArray[$counter], $newContent,
                            $action, $editSummary);
                    if ($counter === $inputArray.length) {
                }, that.config.editInterval);
            case 3: // Find and replace

                $editInterval = setInterval(function () {
                    if (that.isLegalPage($inputArray[$counter])) {
                        that.getContent($action, $editSummary,
                            $inputArray[$counter], $newContent, $toReplace,

                    if ($counter === $inputArray.length) {
                }, that.config.editInterval);

         * @method main
         * @description The main method handles the collection of user input
         *              from the GUI modal and tests against a series of base
         *              cases to ensure ill-formed or illegitimate input is not
         *              included in the program's operations. Furthermore, the
         *              new category-based function necessitated the removal of
         *              some old code used to execute different actions (i.e.
         *              prepend, append, etc.) to a different method, namely
         *              <tt>actionHandler</tt>. The main method now handles the
         *              acquisition of category members from user input cats,
         *              passing the array of pages to the handler above.
         *              <br />
         *              <br />
         *              Addition of global pages-based find-and-replace option
         *              replaces old find-and-delete option, and now checks for
         *              cases of empty pages or empty target text.
         * @returns {void}
        main: function () {
            var that = this;

            // Values of textareas
            var $newContent = jQuery("#massEdit-content-value")[0].value;
            var $toReplace = jQuery("#massEdit-replaceThis-value")[0].value;
            var $pagesInput = jQuery("#massEdit-pages-value")[0].value;
            var $editSummary = jQuery("#massEdit-summary-value")[0].value;
            var $pagesArray = $pagesInput.split(/[\n]+/);

            // Dropdown menu
            var $actionIndex = jQuery("#massEdit-actionType")[0].selectedIndex;
            var $action = jQuery("#massEdit-actionType").val();
            var $typeIndex = jQuery("#massEdit-contentType")[0].selectedIndex;

            // Is not in the proper rights group
            if (!this.hasRights) {

            // No pages included
            } else if (!$pagesInput) {

            // Is either append/prepend with no content input included
            } else if ($action !== "replace" && !$newContent) {

            // Is find-and-replace with no target content included
            } else if ($action === "replace" && !$toReplace) {

            // If user forgot to select dropdown options (no reset b/c annoying)
            } else if ($actionIndex === 0 || $typeIndex === 0) {

            // If edit summary is greater than permitted max of 800 characters
            } else if ($editSummary.length > 800) {

            switch ($typeIndex) {
            case 1: // Loose pages
                that.actionHandler($pagesArray, $newContent, $toReplace,
                    $actionIndex, $action, $editSummary);
            case 2: // Categories
                that.membersHandler($pagesArray, $newContent, $toReplace,
                    $actionIndex, $action, $editSummary,
                    that.getCategoryMembers, "categorymembers");
            case 3: // Namespaces
                that.membersHandler($pagesArray, $newContent, $toReplace,
                    $actionIndex, $action, $editSummary,
                    that.getNamespaceMembers, "allpages");

         * @method init
         * @description Method initializes the program, assembling the toolbar
         *              link and handling click events. Config options are set
         *              per user input or the defaults.
         * @param {JSON} $lang - I18n-js content
         * @returns {void}
        init: function ($lang) {
            var that = this;

            $i18n = $lang;

            this.api = new mw.Api();
            this.config = jQuery.extend({
                    editInterval: 1000
            }, window.massEditConfig);

            var $modalHTML =
            "<form id='massEdit-modal-form' class='WikiaForm '>" +
                "<fieldset>" +
                    "<p>" + $i18n.msg("modalSelect").plain() +
                        "<br />" +
                        "<select size='1' id='massEdit-actionType'" +
                                "class='massEdit-menu' name='action'>" +
                            "<option selected=''>" +
                                $i18n.msg("modalSelect").plain() +
                            "</option>" +
                            "<option value='prepend'>" +
                                $i18n.msg("dropdownPrepend").plain() +
                            "</option>" +
                            "<option value='append'>" +
                                $i18n.msg("dropdownAppend").plain() +
                            "</option>" +
                            "<option value='replace'>" +
                                $i18n.msg("dropdownReplace").plain() +
                            "</option>" +
                        "</select>" +
                        "<br />" +
                    "</p>" +
                    "<br />" +
                    "<p>" + $i18n.msg("modalContentType").plain() +
                        "<br />" +
                        "<select size='1' id='massEdit-contentType'" +
                                "class='massEdit-menu' name='action'>" +
                            "<option selected=''>" +
                                $i18n.msg("modalContentType").plain() +
                            "</option>" +
                            "<option value='pages'>" +
                                $i18n.msg("dropdownPages").plain() +
                            "</option>" +
                            "<option value='categories'>" +
                                $i18n.msg("dropdownCategories").plain() +
                            "</option>" +
                            "<option value='namespaces'>" +
                                $i18n.msg("dropdownNamespaces").plain() +
                            "</option>" +
                        "</select>" +
                        "<br />" +
                    "</p>" +
                    "<br />" +
                    "<p>" + $i18n.msg("modalContentTitle").plain() +
                        "<br />" +
                        "<textarea id='massEdit-content-value' " +
                            "class='massEdit-textarea' placeholder='" +
                            $i18n.msg("modalContentPlaceholder").plain() +
                        "'/>" +
                        "<br />" +
                    "</p>" +
                    "<br />" +
                    "<p>" + $i18n.msg("modalReplaceTitle").plain() +
                        "<br />" +
                        "<textarea id='massEdit-replaceThis-value' " +
                            "class='massEdit-textarea' placeholder='" +
                            $i18n.msg("modalReplacePlaceholder").plain() +
                        "' disabled/>" +
                        "<br />" +
                    "</p>" +
                    "<br />" +
                    "<p>" + $i18n.msg("modalPagesTitle").plain() +
                        "<br />" +
                        "<textarea id='massEdit-pages-value' " +
                            "class='massEdit-textarea' placeholder='" +
                            $i18n.msg("modalPagesPlaceholder").plain() +
                        "'/>" +
                        "<br />" +
                    "</p>" +
                    "<br />" +
                    "<p>" + $i18n.msg("modalSummaryTitle").plain() +
                        "<br />" +
                        "<input type='textbox' id='massEdit-summary-value'" +
                            "class='massEdit-textbox' />" +
                        "<br />" +
                    "</p>" +
                "</fieldset>" +
                "<br />" +
                "<hr>" +
            "</form>" +
            "<p>" + $i18n.msg("modalLog").plain() + "</p>" +
            "<div id='massEdit-log'></div>";

            var $tbElement = this.constructItem($i18n.msg("itemTitle").plain());
            jQuery($tbElement).prependTo("#my-tools-menu").click(function () {

    mw.hook("dev.i18n").add(function ($i18n) {
            mw.loader.using(["mediawiki.util", "mediawiki.api"])
        ).done(jQuery.proxy(MassEdit.init, MassEdit));