Fandom Developers Wiki


You are viewing a module with translations for the Documentation module. It is not advised to edit this page manually. Instead, use the translations editor. Only edit this page directly if there's something that has to be done that the translation editor cannot do, or if the translation editor misbehaved. In these cases, it would also help if you leave a message on the I18nEdit talk page about your issue.

Upon editing this page without the translations editor you will be warned by the abuse filter and your edits will be tagged.

-- <nowiki>
--- @summary Documentation template i18n.
--  @description
--  A central datastore for documentation text translations.
--  @submodule documentation.i18n
--  @see [[Template:Documentation]]
--  @todo "documentation-heading"          - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el   
--  @todo "documentation-visibility"       - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el   
--  @todo "module-namespace-heading"       - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "file-namespace-heading"         - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "other-namespaces-heading"       - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "template-documentation-missing" - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "module-documentation-missing"   - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "file-documentation-missing"     - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "other-documentation-missing"    - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "template-subpages-link"         - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "module-subpages-link"           - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "other-subpages-link"            - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "add-categories-blurb"           - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "experiment-blurb-template"      - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "experiment-blurb-template-nosandbox" - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "experiment-blurb-module"        - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "experiment-blurb-module-nosandbox"   - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "mirror-edit-summary"            - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "mirror-link-display"            - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "sandbox-link-display"           - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "testcases-link-display"         - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "description"                    - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "usage"                          - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc    qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "dependencies"                   - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "installation"                   - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "configuration"                  - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "configuration-text"             - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "syntax"                         - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "syntax-text"                    - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "parameters"                     - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "sample_output"                  - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "sample_output-text"             - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "example"                        - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "examples"                       - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "result"                         - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "translation"                    - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "translation-text"               - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "see_also"                       - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi

return {
    ["en"] = {
        -- The heading shown in the template namespace.
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Template documentation",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Note: parts of or the entire template might not be visible without values provided.",

        -- The heading shown in the module namespace.
        ["module-namespace-heading"] = "Module documentation",
        -- The heading shown in the file namespace.
        ["file-namespace-heading"] = "Summary",
        -- The heading shown in other namespaces.
        ["other-namespaces-heading"] = "Documentation",

        -- Notice displayed in the template namespace when the documentation subpage does not exist.
        -- $1 is a link to create the documentation page with the preload cfg['docpage-preload'].
        ["template-documentation-missing"] = 'English documentation for this template is missing. <span class="plainlinks">[$1 Click here to create it]</span>.',

        -- Notice displayed in the module namespace when the documentation subpage does not exist.
        -- $1 is a link to create the documentation page with the preload cfg['module-preload'].
        ["module-documentation-missing"] = 'English documentation for this module is missing. <span class="plainlinks">[$1 Click here to create it]</span>.',

        -- Notice displayed in the file namespace when the documentation subpage does not exist.
        -- $1 is a link to create the documentation page with the preload cfg['file-docpage-preload'].
        ["file-documentation-missing"] = 'English summary for this file is missing. <span class="plainlinks">[$1 Click here to create it]</span>.',
        ["other-documentation-missing"] = 'English documentation is missing. <span class="plainlinks">[$1 Click here to create it]</span>.',

        -- The text to display for the "subpages of this page" link.
        ["template-subpages-link"]  = "[[$1|Subpages of this template]].",
        ["module-subpages-link"]    = "[[$1|Subpages of this module]].",
        ["other-subpages-link"]     = "[[$1|Subpages of this page]].",

        -- Text to direct users to add categories to the /doc subpage. Not used if the "content"
        -- or "docname fed" arguments are set, as then it is not clear where to add the categories.
        -- $1 is a link to the /doc subpage with a display value of 'doc-link-display'.
        ["add-categories-blurb"] = "Please add categories to the $1 subpage.",

        -- The experiment blurb is the text inviting editors to experiment in sandbox and test cases pages.
        -- It is only shown in the template and module namespaces.
        ["experiment-blurb-template"] = "Editors can experiment in this template's $1 and $2 pages.",
        ["experiment-blurb-template-nosandbox"] = "Editors can experiment in this template's $1 page.",
        ["experiment-blurb-module"] = "Editors can experiment in this module's $1 and $2 pages.",
        ["experiment-blurb-module-nosandbox"]   = "Editors can experiment in this module's $1 page.",

        -- The default edit summary to use when a user clicks the "mirror" link.
        -- $1 is a wikilink to the template page.
        ['mirror-edit-summary'] = "Create sandbox version of $1",

        -- The text to display for "mirror" links.
        ['mirror-link-display'] = "mirror",

        -- The text to display for "sandbox" links.
        ['sandbox-link-display'] = "sandbox",

        -- The text to display for "testcases" links.
        ['testcases-link-display'] = "testcases",

        ["description"] = "Description",
        ["usage"] = "Usage",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Dependency|Dependencies}}",
        ["installation"] = "Installation",
        ["configuration"] = "Configuration",
        ["configuration-text"] = "The [[Global Lua Modules/Config|overridable]] template configuration is stored at:",
        ["syntax"] = "Syntax",
        ["syntax-text"] = "Type <span class='code'>$1</span>",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Parameter|Parameters}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "Sample output",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> gives...",
        ["example"] = "Example",
        ["examples"] = "{{plural:$1|Example|Examples}}",
        ["result"] = "Result",
        ["translation"] = "Translation",
        ["translation-text"] = "The template translations are stored at:",
        ["see_also"] = "See also",
    ["qqq"] = {

    ["be"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Дакументацыя шаблону",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Нататка: часткова ці цалкам шаблон можа не адлюстроўвацца без пэўных значэнняў.",
        ["description"] = "Апісанне",
        ["usage"] = "Выкарыстанне",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Залежнасць|Залежнасці|Залежнасцяў}}",
        ["syntax"] = "Код",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Значэнне|Значэнні|Значэнняў}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "Ужыванне",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> дае...",
        ["example"] = "Прыклад",
        ["result"] = "Вынік",
        ["translation"] = "Пераклад",
        ["translation-text"] = "Пераклады шаблонаў захоўваюцца па адрасе:",
        ["see_also"] = "Гл. таксама",
    ["bn"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "টেম্পলেট ডকুমেন্টেশন",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "সূচনা: ভ্যালু ছাড়া পুরা টেম্পলেট বা এর কিছু অংশ কাজ নাও করতে পারে।",
        ["description"] = "বর্ণনা",
        ["usage"] = "ব্যাবহার",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|নির্ভরতা|টি নির্ভরতা}}",
        ["installation"] = "স্থাপনা",
        ["configuration"] = "কনফিগারেশন",
        ["syntax"] = "সিনটেক্স",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|প্যারামিটার|টি প্যারামিটার}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "আউটপুটের নমুনা",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> দেয়ে...",
        ["example"] = "উদাহরণ",
        ["result"] = "ফলাফল",
        ["translation"] = "অনুবাদn",
        ["translation-text"] = "টেম্পলেট অনুবাদ এখানে রাখা হয়:",
        ["see_also"] = "আরও দেখুন"
    ["de"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Vorlagendokumentation",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Bemerke: Teile der Vorlage oder auch die ganze Vorlage selbst werden eventuell nicht angezeigt, wenn keine Werte angegeben werden.",
        ["description"] = "Beschreibung",
        ["usage"] = "Verwendung",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Dependency|Dependencies}}",
        ["installation"] = "Installation",
        ["configuration"] = "Konfiguration",
        ["syntax"] = "Syntax",
        ["parameters"] = "Parameter",
        ["sample_output"] = "Beispielausgabe",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> ergibt...",
        ["example"] = "Beispiel",
        ["result"] = "Ergebnis",
        ["translation"] = "Übersetzung",
        ["translation-text"] = "Die Übersetzungen zu dieser Vorlage sind hier hinterlegt:",
        ["see_also"] = "Siehe auch",
    ["es"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Documentación de plantilla",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Nota: partes de o la plantilla entera puede no ser visible sin los valores proveidos.",

        ["description"] = "Descripción",
        ["usage"] = "Uso",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Dependencia|Dependencias}}",
        ["installation"] = "Instalación",
        ["configuration"] = "Configuración",
        ["syntax"] = "Sintaxis",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Parametro|Parametros}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "Salida de ejemplo",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> resulta en...",
        ["example"] = "Ejemplo",
        ["result"] = "Resultado",
        ["translation"] = "Traducción",
        ["translation-text"] = "Las traducciones de esta plantilla están guardadas en:",
        ["see_also"] = "Ver también",
    ["fr"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Documentation de modèle",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Note : plusieurs parties du modèle ou le modèle complet peuvent/peut ne pas être visibles sans valeurs données.",

        ["description"] = "Description",
        ["usage"] = "Utilisation",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Dépendance|Dépendances}}",
        ["installation"] = "Installation",
        ["configuration"] = "Configuration",
        ["syntax"] = "Syntaxe",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Paramètre|Paramètres}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "Echantillon de sortie",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> donne...",
        ["example"] = "Exemple",
        ["result"] = "Résultat",
        ["translation"] = "Traduction",
        ["translation-text"] = "Les traductions du modèle sont stockées dans :",
        ["see_also"] = "Voir aussi",
    ["hi"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "टेम्पलेट डॉक्यूमेंटेशन",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "नोट: बिना वैल्यू के टेम्पलेट के कुछ अंश या पूरा टेम्पलेट नहीं दिख सकता है।",
        ["description"] = "विस्तार",
        ["usage"] = "प्रयोग",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|निर्भरता|निर्भरताएँ}}",
        ["installation"] = "स्थापना",
        ["configuration"] = "कॉन्फ़िगरेशन",
        ["syntax"] = "सिंटेक्स",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|पैरामीटर|पैरामीटर}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "नमूना उत्पादन",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> देता है...",
        ["example"] = "उदाहरण",
        ["result"] = "परिणाम",
        ["translation"] = "अनुवाद",
        ["translation-text"] = "टेम्पलेट अनुवाद यहाँ भी रखे जाते हैं:",
        ["see_also"] = "और देखिए",
    ["id"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Dokumentasi templat",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Catatan: bagian atau keseluruhan templat mungkin tidak dapat terlihat tanpa nilai yang diberikan.",
        ["description"] = "Deskripsi",
        ["usage"] = "Penggunaan",
        ["dependencies"] = "Dependensi",
        ["installation"] = "Pemasangan",
        ["configuration"] = "Konfigurasi",
        ["syntax"] = "Sintak",
        ["parameters"] = "Parameter",
        ["sample_output"] = "Sampel Keluar",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> menghasilkan...",
        ["example"] = "Contoh",
        ["result"] = "Hasil",
        ["translation"] = "Terjemahan",
        ["translation-text"] = "Terjemahan template ini disimpan di:",
        ["see_also"] = "Lihat juga",
    ["ja"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "テンプレート解説ページ",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "注意: 上記のテンプレートは部分的または完全に非表示になることがあります。",

        ["description"] = "解説",
        ["usage"] = "使い方",
        ["dependencies"] = "必要なファイル",
        ["installation"] = "導入方法",
        ["configuration"] = "環境設定",
        ["syntax"] = "構文",
        ["syntax-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> と入力してください。",
        ["parameters"] = "パラメータ",
        ["sample_output"] = "出力例",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> は以下のように出力されます……",
        ["example"] = "例",
        ["examples"] = "例",
        ["result"] = "出力結果",
        ["translation"] = "翻訳",
        ["translation-text"] = "このテンプレートの翻訳は以下のファイルで管理されています。",
        ["see_also"] = "関連情報",
    ["ko"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "틀 설명문",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "참고: 특정 값이 주어지지 않는 경우, 틀 일부 또는 전체가 보이지 않을 수 있습니다.",

        ["description"] = "설명",
        ["usage"] = "사용법",
        ["dependencies"] = "의존관계",
        ["installation"] = "설치",
        ["configuration"] = "설정",
        ["syntax"] = "문법",
        ["parameters"] = "파라미터",
        ["sample_output"] = "출력 예시",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span>의 결과는...",
        ["example"] = "예시",
        ["result"] = "결과",
        ["translation"] = "번역",
        ["translation-text"] = "이 틀의 번역판은 이곳에 저장됩니다:",
        ["see-also"] = "더 보기",
    ["pl"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Dokumentacja szablonu",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Uwaga: część lub cały szablon może być niewidoczny bez podanych parametrów.",
        ["description"] = "Opis",
        ["usage"] = "Używanie",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Zależność|Zależności}}",
        ["installation"] = "Instalacja",
        ["configuration"] = "Konfiguracja",
        ["syntax"] = "Składnia",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Parametr|Parametry}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "Przykładowy wynik",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> daje…",
        ["example"] = "Przykład",
        ["result"] = "Wynik",
        ["translation"] = "Tłumaczenie",
        ["translation-text"] = "Tłumaczenia szablonu są przechowywane na:",
        ["see_also"] = "Zobacz także",
    ["pt"] = {
        ["usage"] = "Uso",
    ["pt-br"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Documentação da predefinição",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Nota: partes ou a predefinição inteira podem não estar visíveis sem os valores fornecidos.",
        ["description"] = "Descrição",
        ["usage"] = "Uso",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Dependência|Dependências}}",
        ["installation"] = "Instalação",
        ["configuration"] = "Configuração",
        ["syntax"] = "Sintaxe",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Parâmetro|Parâmetros}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "Saída de amostra",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> dá...",
        ["example"] = "Exemplo",
        ["result"] = "Resultado",
        ["translation"] = "Tradução",
        ["translation-text"] = "As traduções da predefinição são armazenadas em:",
        ["see_also"] = "Veja também",
    ["ru"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Документация шаблона",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Примечание: частично или целиком шаблон может не отображаться без определённых значений.",
        ["description"] = "Описание",
        ["usage"] = "Использование",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Зависимость|Зависимости|Зависимостей}}",
        ["installation"] = "Установка",
        ["configuration"] = "Настройка",
        ["syntax"] = "Код",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Значение|Значения|Значений}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "Применение",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> даёт...",
        ["example"] = "Пример",
        ["result"] = "Результат",
        ["translation"] = "Перевод",
        ["translation-text"] = "Переводы шаблонов хранятся по адресу:",
        ["see_also"] = "См. также",
   ["tr"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Şablon belgesi",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Not: Sağlanan değerler olmadan şablonun bir kısmı veya tamamı görünmeyebilir.",
        ["description"] = "Açıklama",
        ["usage"] = "Kullanım",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Bağımlılık|Bağımlılıklar}}",
        ["installation"] = "Kurulum",
        ["configuration"] = "Yapılandırma",
        ["syntax"] = "Sözdizimi",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Parametre|Parametreler}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "Örnek çıkış",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> veriyor...",
        ["example"] = "Örnek",
        ["result"] = "Sonuç",
        ["translation"] = "Çeviri",
        ["translation-text"] = "Şablon çevirileri şu adreste saklanır:",
        ["see_also"] = "Ayrıca bakınız",
    ["uk"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Документація шаблону",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Примітка: частково або весь шаблон може бути не видно без наданих значень.",
        ["description"] = "Опис",
        ["usage"] = "Використання",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Залежність|Залежності|Залежностей}}",
        ["installation"] = "Встановлення",
        ["configuration"] = "Налаштування",
        ["syntax"] = "Розмітка",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Значення|Значення|Значень}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "Зразок",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> дає...",
        ["example"] = "Приклад",
        ["result"] = "Результат",
        ["translation"] = "Переклад",
        ["translation-text"] = "Переклади шаблонів зберігаються за адресою:",
        ["see_also"] = "Див. також",
    ["vi"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Bản mẫu tài liệu",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "cho bản mẫu phía trên, đôi khi ẩn hoặc không nhìn thấy được",
    ["zh-hans"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "模板文档",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "注意:模板可能部分或整个部分不可见。",
        ["description"] = "描述",
        ["usage"] = "使用方法",
        ["dependencies"] = "依赖",
        ["installation"] = "安装方法",
        ["configuration"] = "配置",
        ["syntax"] = "语法",
        ["parameters"] = "参数",
        ["sample_output"] = "示例展示",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span>将给出:",
        ["example"] = "示例",
        ["result"] = "展示",
        ["translation"] = "翻译",
        ["translation-text"] = "模板翻译存储在:",
        ["see_also"] = "另参见",
    ["zh-hant"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "模板文件",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "注意:模板可能部分或整個部分不可見。",
        ["description"] = "描述",
        ["usage"] = "使用方式",
        ["dependencies"] = "依賴",
        ["installation"] = "安裝方法",
        ["configuration"] = "配置",
        ["syntax"] = "語法",
        ["parameters"] = "參數",
        ["sample_output"] = "示例展示",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span>將給出:",
        ["example"] = "範例",
        ["result"] = "展示",
        ["translation"] = "翻譯",
        ["translation-text"] = "模板翻譯儲存在:",
        ["see_also"] = "另參見",
-- </nowiki>