Fandom Developers Wiki
-- <nowiki>
-- Creates a hidden spoiler text with an inline toggle that works both on
-- desktop and on mobile
-- Syntax:
-- {{#invoke:MobileSpoiler|main|Spoiler text}}
-- The labels "[Show Spoiler]" and "[Hide Spoiler]" are localized via
-- [[w:dev:Module:MobileSpoiler/i18n]]
-- Second and third parameters can be used to customize the text of the
-- labels on a specific case

local p = {}
local getArgs = require('Dev:Arguments').getArgs
local i18n = require('Dev:I18n').loadMessages('MobileSpoiler')

function p.main(frame)
	local args = getArgs(frame)
	local text = args[1]
	if not text or text == '' then return end
	local showLabel = args[2] or '[<u>' .. i18n:msg('show') .. '</u>]'
	local hideLabel = args[3] or '[<u>' .. i18n:msg('hide') .. '</u>]'

    -- This ensures a different ID for each invocation on the same page
	local unique = tostring(math.floor(os.clock() * 100000))

	local hidden = mw.html.create('span')
		:addClass('mw-collapsible mw-collapsed')
		:attr('id', 'mw-customcollapsible-spoiler-' .. unique)
			:addClass('mw-customtoggle-spoiler-' .. unique)
			:addClass('mw-customtoggle-spoiler-t' .. unique)
		:wikitext(' ' .. text)
	local show = mw.html.create('span')
		:addClass('mw-customtoggle-spoiler-' .. unique)
		:addClass('mw-customtoggle-spoiler-t' .. unique)
		:attr('id', 'mw-customcollapsible-spoiler-t' .. unique)			

	return tostring(hidden) .. tostring(show)

return p