Fandom Developers Wiki


You are viewing a module with translations for the MobileSpoiler module. It is not advised to edit this page manually. Instead, use the translations editor. Only edit this page directly if there's something that has to be done that the translation editor cannot do, or if the translation editor misbehaved. In these cases, it would also help if you leave a message on the I18nEdit talk page about your issue.

Upon editing this page without the translations editor you will be warned by the abuse filter and your edits will be tagged.

-- <nowiki>
return {
    ["_metadata"] = {
        ["order"] = {
    ["en"] = {
        ["hide"] = "Hide Spoiler",
        ["show"] = "Show Spoiler"
    ["de"] = {
        ["hide"] = "Spoiler verstecken",
        ["show"] = "Spoiler zeigen"
    ["es"] = {
        ["hide"] = "Esconder el spoiler",
        ["show"] = "Mostrar el spoiler"
    ["et"] = {
        ["hide"] = "Peida spoiler",
        ["show"] = "Kuva spoiler"
    ["fr"] = {
        ["hide"] = "Cacher le spoiler",
        ["show"] = "Montrer le spoiler"
    ["hi"] = {
        ["hide"] = "स्पॉइलर छिपाएँ",
        ["show"] = "स्पॉइलर दिखाएँ"
    ["ru"] = {
        ["hide"] = "Спрятать спойлер",
        ["show"] = "Показать спойлер"
    ["zh"] = {
        ["hide"] = "隐藏剧透",
        ["show"] = "显示剧透"
    ["tl"] = {
        ["hide"] = "Itago ang spoiler",
        ["show"] = "Ipakita ang Spoiler"
    ["tr"] = {
        ["hide"] = "Spoiler'ı Gizle",
        ["show"] = "Spoiler'ı Göster"
    ["uk"] = {
        ["hide"] = "Приховати спойлер",
        ["show"] = "Показати спойлер"
-- </nowiki>