Fandom Developers Wiki

This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the DiscussionsActivity page.

Non-English communities

Hey there,
I've noticed that this script only works on english communities. Is this related to the non added localization for language support? -- Bryan latest?cb=20171111130412&path-prefix=de ( talk | c | dev ) 21:14, February 1, 2018 (UTC)

Yeah, the script was just meant to be used on English wikis until the proper localization was added, so it wasn't working at all on wikis in other languages. However, I just pushed an update that will make it work on non-English wikis; even if the interface of the special page is still only in English. It will be effective as soon as the JavaScript review team approves it. --Manuel de la Fuente (talk) 22:59, February 1, 2018 (UTC)


The script could use jQuery $.timeago and $.fn.timeago methods like Forum, heh. speedy🔔︎🚀︎ 10:32, February 17, 2018 (UTC)

Red links

Red links don't appear to be supported. Is this a problem from the Discussions feed or something that can be fixed by this JS? I haven't checked if DiscussionsFeed supports red links, but I assume it doesn't. -- Fandyllic (talk · contr) 26 Feb 2018 3:59 PM Pacific

Bug Report

This addon seems to be very unstable. I imported it for personal use on my Global JS page to see how it completely deactivated all personal JS on my account. Wither 15:51, May 29, 2018 (UTC)

Wiki Activity

Couldn't the Discussions Activity show in the same place as the Wiki Activity? I guess there'd be need to write another script, but I'm sure it would also make it easier to navigate on a wiki, for anyone who comes. ~Mustafar29 User pageUser talk 11:19, September 23, 2018 (UTC)

Other Languages

Is there a possibility that other languages can be used besides English? Maybe with:

(function(module, lang) {
	"use strict";
	var i18n = {
		en: {
			seconds_ago_singular:		'$1 second ago',
            seconds_ago_plural:			'$1 seconds ago',
            minutes_ago_singular:		'$1 minute ago',
            minutes_ago_plural:			'$1 minutes ago',
            hours_ago_singular:			'$1 hour ago',
            hours_ago_plural:			'$1 hours ago',
            days_ago_singular:			'$1 day ago',
            days_ago_plural:			'$1 days ago',
            months_ago_singular:		'$1 month ago',
            months_ago_plural:			'$1 months ago',
            years_ago_singular:			'$1 year ago',
            years_ago_plural:			'$1 years ago',
            icon_title_thread:			'discussion thread',
            icon_title_reply:			'discussion reply',
            in:							'in',
            block:						'block',
            talk:						'talk',
            wall:						'wall',
            contribs:					'contribs',
            created_by:					'created by',
            commented_by:				'commented by',
            icon_title_reported:		'reported message',
            icon_title_locked:			'locked thread',
            icon_title_deleted:			'deleted message',
            thread_locked:				'Thread locked',
            parent_thread_locked:		'Parent thread locked',
            parent_thread_deleted:		'Parent thread deleted',
            message_deleted_by:			'Message deleted by',
            message_reported:			'Message reported',
            checkbox_auto_refresh:		'Auto refresh',
            checkbox_show_deleted:		'Show deleted',
            document_title_original:	'Error',
            document_title_new:			'Recent Discussions Activity',
            loading_discussions:		'Loading discussions...',
            error_no_connection:		'Unable to load discussions. The connection errored or the service might be down.',
            error_discussions_disabled:	'Unable to load discussions. The feature is not enabled on this domain.',
            recent_changes:				'Recent changes',
            wiki_activity:				'Wiki activity',
            discussions_activity:		'Discussions activity',
            watchlist:					'Followed Pages only'
		de: {
			seconds_ago_singular:		'Vor $1 Sekunde',
            seconds_ago_plural:			'Vor $1 Sekunden',
            minutes_ago_singular:		'Vor $1 Minute',
            minutes_ago_plural:			'Vor $1 Minuten',
            hours_ago_singular:			'Vor $1 Stunde',
            hours_ago_plural:			'Vor $1 Stunden',
            days_ago_singular:			'Vor $1 Tag',
            days_ago_plural:			'Vor $1 Tagen',
            months_ago_singular:		'Vor $1 Monat',
            months_ago_plural:			'Vor $1 Monaten',
            years_ago_singular:			'Vor $1 Jahr',
            years_ago_plural:			'Vor $1 Jahren',
            icon_title_thread:			'Diskussionsfaden',
            icon_title_reply:			'Diskussionsantwort',
            in:							'in',
            block:						'Blockieren',
            talk:						'Diskussion',
            wall:						'Nachricht',
            contribs:					'Beiträge',
            created_by:					'erstellt von',
            commented_by:				'kommentiert von',
            icon_title_reported:		'gemeldete Nachricht',
            icon_title_locked:			'gesperrter Diskussionsfaden',
            icon_title_deleted:			'gelöschte Nachricht',
            thread_locked:				'Thread gesperrt',
            parent_thread_locked:		'Übergeordneter Thread gesperrt',
            parent_thread_deleted:		'Übergeordneter Thread gelöscht',
            message_deleted_by:			'Nachricht gelöscht von',
            message_reported:			'Nachricht gemeldet',
            checkbox_auto_refresh:		'Automatische Aktualisierung',
            checkbox_show_deleted:		'Zeige gelöschte',
            document_title_original:	'Fehler',
            document_title_new:			'Aktuelle Diskussionen Aktivität',
            loading_discussions:		'Lädt Diskussionen...',
            error_no_connection:		'Diskussionen konnten nicht geladen werden. Die Verbindung ist fehlerhaft oder der Dienst ist ausgefallen.',
            error_discussions_disabled:	'Diskussionen konnten nicht geladen werden. Die Funktion ist in diesem Wiki nicht aktiviert.',
            recent_changes:				'Letzte Änderungen',
            wiki_activity:				'Wiki-Aktivität',
            discussions_activity:		'Diskussionen Aktivität',
            watchlist:					'Nur verfolgte Seiten anzeigen'
	module.messages = $.extend(module.messages, i18n.en, i18n[lang]);
})(dev.DiscussionsActivity, mediaWiki.config.get('wgUserLanguage'));

Or is it actually impossible?
Maldohr'  Disk.Beiträge Edits 20:14, October 7, 2018 (UTC)

I'm not familiar with the script, but you appear to have added german translations to this script before posting here. There's some caching of translations before they'll show up, but is there another issue you're seeing? cqm 21:11, 7 Oct 2018 (UTC)

Script doesn't work in non-English communities anymore


since the URLs have been changed, the DiscussionsActicity doesn't work in non-english wikis: The link to the DiscussionsActivity at the top of the WikiActivity is missing, and if I open the DiscussionsActivity page it says that the Discussions aren't activated in our wiki. Is there a way to fix that?
Mystery99 11:10, January 26, 2019 (UTC)

Manuel, looks like you missed a spot! :P
+++ Patch
@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@
-'GET', '/d/f', true);
+'GET', config.wgScriptPath + '/d/f', true);
puxlit (talk) 15:58, January 26, 2019 (UTC)