Fandom Developers Wiki

  • I am the first thread! Hello, WikiForum. WikiForum provide a front-end structured discussion page with JavaScript. hhh
  • Oh, cool. I am the second floor~
    • I am the reply in the second floor.
      • O_O
        • I am in the fifth floor.
      • im so mad
    • May i try to&
      • Cool
      • Ok
        • swear w
    • Nice
    • rgaet
  • And also, you can using wikitext in the forum: bold italic line-through Link
    • List 1
    • List 2
    • List 3
    Quote block

    This is a image

    • Nice!
      • I didn't expect to see Realcoolify here!
  • This is demo page for WikiForum. Feel free to reply it.
  • Testing a link to ThemeToggler.
    • Replying for no apparent reason. Nam 15:50, 4 June 2021 (UTC)
      • Wait I can reply to replies :o
        • I guess I’ll send a message here😛
          • You can make a lot of replies to replies 😂
            • There's no limits. That's a bug.
              • True. 90 Paramount1106 ✉️ 📝 20:06, 20 June 2021 (UTC)
                • My signature looks strange here…
                  • Lol. Wait, I can't see what text am I writing on FandomDesktop dark mode. Maybe now I'm writing something without sense lol, or with spelling errors. Let's test my signature. Impostor7804 :p - I have the skill of writing without knowing what am I writing lol
                    • lol will the text become unreadable at some point when the background becomes darker
                      • lmao stop it
                        • Lol
                          • Replying to see if this thing crashes (?
                        • Lol
        • hello
        • hello
    • T
    • Lol, it stopped working
  • Testing
  • This is cool.
  • Tes
  • I'll test a like
  • Тест .Vzhik Vzhik (talk) 15:54, 28 June 2021 (UTC)
  • <script>alert('XSS attack test!')</script>
    • See, very safe √
      • If I have the time, I'll try to find a vulnerability...
        • Then you should submit it to WikiMedia XD
        • "Then you should submit it to WikiMedia XD" Too late, the latest version of MediaWiki has forum styles talk pages, and they're native!
    • MediaWiki does not support script tag
  • test
  •  This is a div with crazy stuff and properties

    We're no strangers to love. You know the rules and so do I. A full commitment's what I'm thinking of. You wouldn't get this from any other guy.

    I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling. Gotta make you understand.

    Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry. Never gonna say goodbye. Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.

    We've known each other for so long. Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it. Inside, we both know what's been going on. We know the game, and we're gonna play it.

    And if you ask me how I'm feeling. Don't tell me you're too blind to see.

    Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry. Never gonna say goodbye. Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.

    Ha, rickroll ~ Headquarter8302yeet G'day mate 11:18, 2 July 2021 (UTC)

    • I got...
  • Test
    • Reply
      • Hi
  • Taco
  • test
  • this shows up on diffs too :thinking:
  • Howdy
  • Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.
  • Test reply
    • Code

      Hello! 06:08, 23 January 2022 (UTC)

      • Nice script! Although when the revamped talk page will come, this may be one day outdated
      • re
  • lmao
  • This is a really xhaotic reply thread. What am i writing?
  • lmao
    <a class="forum-id-link" href="#forum-1_thread-26">#26</a>
    <a class="mw-userlink userAuthor" href="/wiki/User:U.ayaao.p">U.ayaao.p</a>
    <a class="reply-btn" href="javascript:;">reply</a>
    <label class="forum-input-container">
    <textarea class="forum-textarea"></textarea>
    <button class="forum-submit-btn">reply</button>
    <a href="javascript:;" class="reaction-like not-like" title="Like this thread">👍(0)</a>
  • Stress test no. 1
  • Doesn't seem to be affected, vulnerability test no. 2: <a href="javascript:(()=>{alert('GET Self-XXSd lmao');})();">Click me</a>
    • its cuz mediawiki doesn't support <a></a>
      • i mean wikitext
  • Hey
  • Hello from the backrooms wiki!
  • Yo, I made a stylesheet for this, nothing complicated tho :)

    <source lang="css">

    /* Setting local variables for easy customization and maintainability. */ .wiki-forum-all-container {

     --f-border-color: var(--theme-accent-color);
     --f-border-color--rgb: var(--theme-accent-color--rgb);
     --f-reply-border-width: 2px;
     --f-reply-margin: 1rem;
     --f-reply-padding: .5rem;
     --f-reply-spacing: calc(var(--f-reply-border-width) + var(--f-reply-margin) + var(--f-reply-padding));
     --f-reply-indicator-height: 16px;
     --f-reply-indicator-width: calc(var(--f-reply-spacing) + var(--f-reply-border-width));


    /* Removing background from posts, and fixing forum id links to the right by

      • removing it's right margin and padding. Also setting layout properties with
      • local variables. */

    .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-thread, .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-add-reply {

     background-color: transparent;
     border-color: var(--f-border-color);
     margin: var(--f-reply-margin);
     margin-right: 0;
     padding: var(--f-reply-padding);
     padding-right: 0;
     /* This is to set the position of pseudo-elements. */
     position: relative;


    .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-thread {

     border-width: var(--f-reply-border-width);


    /* Adding invisible border to move the element's contents a bit more to the right. */ .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-thread > .forum-thread {

     background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .0);
     border-color: transparent;
     border-left-width: var(--f-reply-border-width);


    /* Using a pseudo element as the visible border instead of using the "border"

      • property allows us to adjust its height. */

    .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-thread > .forum-thread::before {

     background-color: var(--f-border-color);
     bottom: 0;
     content: ;
     height: calc(100% - var(--f-reply-padding));
     left: 0;
     position: absolute;
     width: var(--f-reply-border-width);


    /* Reply indicator styling. */ .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-thread > .forum-thread::after {

     border: var(--f-reply-border-width) solid transparent;
     border-left-color: var(--f-border-color);
     border-bottom-color: var(--f-border-color);
     border-bottom-left-radius: calc(var(--f-reply-border-width) * 4);
     border-bottom-right-radius: var(--f-reply-border-width);
     content: ;
     height: var(--f-reply-indicator-height);
     /* Multiplying everything by -1 results in a negatve number, so we can move
     ** the element to the right. We also remove 2 extra pixels because, for some
     ** reasson, not doing so positions the element 2px to the right of where it
     ** should be. */
     left: calc((var(--f-reply-spacing)) * -1 - 2px);
     position: absolute;
     top: calc(var(--f-reply-padding) * -1 + var(--f-reply-border-width));
     width: var(--f-reply-indicator-width);


    /* Removing the extra 2px for the rest of nested reply indicators. */ .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-thread > .forum-thread .forum-thread::after {

     left: calc((var(--f-reply-spacing)) * -1);


    /* Extra styles. */ .theme-fandomdesktop-dark .wiki-forum-all-container {

     color-scheme: dark light;
     accent-color: var(--theme-link-color);


    /** Replacing comment id links with a "comment link" text. **/ .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-before .forum-id-link {

     font-size: small;
     visibility: hidden;


    .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-before .forum-id-link::after {

     content: '(Comment link)';
     visibility: visible;


    .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-after .post-time {

     color: rgba(var(--theme-body-dynamic-color-1--rgb), .5);


    .theme-fandomdesktop-dark .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-after .post-time {

     color: rgba(var(--theme-body-dynamic-color-1--rgb), .6);


    .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-after .reply-btn {

     text-transform: capitalize;


    .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-textarea {

     background-color: rgba(var(--theme-body-dynamic-color-1--rgb), .06);
     border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(var(--theme-body-dynamic-color-1--rgb), .12);
     border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0;
     caret-color: var(--theme-link-color);
     color: var(--theme-page-text-color);
     outline: none;
     resize: vertical;


    .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-input-container > :first-child {

     position: relative;


    /** Line ripple for the textarea. **/ .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-input-container > :first-child::after {

     background-color: var(--theme-link-color);
     bottom: 4px;
     content: ;
     height: 2px;
     left: 4px;
     position: absolute;
     transform: scaleX(0);
     transform-origin: center;
     transition: transform 150ms cubic-bezier(.4, 0, .2, 1);
     width: 100%;


    .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-input-container > :first-child:focus-within::after, .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-input-container > :first-child:active::after {

     transform: scaleX(1);


    /** wds-button styling to the "reply" button. **/ .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-submit-btn {

     --wds-primary-button-background-color: var(--theme-accent-color);
     --wds-primary-button-background-color--hover: var(--theme-accent-color--hover);
     --wds-primary-button-label-color: var(--theme-accent-label-color);
     --wds-secondary-button-label-color: var(--theme-page-text-color);
     --wds-secondary-button-label-color--hover: var(--theme-page-text-color--hover);
     --wds-text-button-label-color: var(--theme-page-text-color);
     --wds-text-button-label-color--hover: var(--theme-page-text-color--hover);
     align-items: center;
     -webkit-appearance: none;
     background-color: var(--wds-primary-button-background-color);
     border: 1px solid var(--wds-primary-button-background-color);
     border-radius: 3px;
     box-sizing: content-box;
     color: var(--wds-primary-button-label-color);
     cursor: pointer;
     display: inline-flex;
     font-size: 12px;
     font-weight: 600;
     font-family: inherit;
     justify-content: center;
     letter-spacing: .15px;
     line-height: 16px;
     margin: 0 0 0 1rem;
     min-height: 18px;
     outline: none;
     padding: 7px 18px;
     text-decoration: none;
     text-transform: uppercase;
     transition-duration: 300ms;
     transition-property: background-color,border-color,color;
     vertical-align: top;


    .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-submit-btn:hover, .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-submit-btn:focus, .wiki-forum-all-container .wiki-forum .forum-submit-btn:active {

     background-color: var(--wds-primary-button-background-color--hover);
     border: 1px solid var(--wds-primary-button-background-color--hover);
     color: var(--wds-primary-button-label-color);
     text-decoration: none;


  • I'm going to leave this category here because the script does not allow you to categorize this demo page and will just overwrite it if added.
  • abc my boys
  • Ha ha, flushed them down the terlut.
  • Why am i here lmao
    • idk, y u here?
      • Because I like prowling around dev wiki lmao
        • I lurk way too much on Fandom, especially the Dev Wiki and Fandom's Discord server, lol.
  • I think the reply thingie needs to have some sort of filter in it that prevents the user from being able to add interwiki or category links from that reply thingie - these are meant to only be added through the actual page editor, no?
  • i am cringe
    • Oh my, it doesn’t work
  • hello, just passing by
    • Nice
    • AjaxBatchDeleteV2
      • ░██████╗██╗░░░██╗░██████╗ ██╔════╝██║░░░██║██╔════╝ ╚█████╗░██║░░░██║╚█████╗░ ░╚═══██╗██║░░░██║░╚═══██╗ ██████╔╝╚██████╔╝██████╔╝ ╚═════╝░░╚═════╝░╚═════╝░
        • AjaxBatchDeleteV2
  • Test
    • Bruh
  • hehe
  • Hehe
  • Hello.
  • I think this is the most used WikiForum among all Fandom wikis that are using this lol yay wikitext in replies - >_IMPOSTOR7804contribs - talk
  • Also, you can use ‘’’Wiki text’’’ on this! Not just bold, but a lot more like
    • list item
    Image Example ‘’Italics’’’ and more!
  • [b]BBCODE TEST[/b]
  • So this is my first time reply in this forum
  • Maybe I will rewrite this project with TypeScript. And choose a modern framework like Vue or React or something else. Whatever. But not jQuery. I think it's difficult to maintain now. I mean, I can't read the shit code I wrote a few years ago. 😢
  • testing 1 2 3 I can barely see this
    • actually, I can't
    • hm yeah
      • reply
        • the floor is made out of floor
        • aw man
        • quick brown dog jumped on lazy dog
  • Good day mate
    • are u autralian
  • Test
  • 2024 anyone?
  • The world is made out of sand, while you are made out of wicker baskets. We need more wiki forums in our lives as Wikians. Fandomians, Wikians, I dunno what we were to call ourselves.
  • hjlhb uliyul
    • I agree (just testing)
  • skibidi toilet skibidi rizz uwu

  • 其实这不是铁桶发布的。这有被冒充的风险!!!
    • So, It's not safe!
  • Hi Bold Itaĺics Link CSS
    • Reply
  • Yey
  • This is cool ig
  • 🤭
  • This demo page has become an internet forum full of randomness. Oh, wait. That's every off-topic channel. This page counts!
  • this is pretty cool
  • Yoooo that looks so cool
  • hhello
  • Hi, I'm going to test some html
    • Oh it worked!
